Derive Node Reference

Round Node


The performs one of three possible operations on it’s input:



– Ceil: Rounds the input value to the next highest integer value

– Floor: Rounds the input value to the next lowest integer value

– Round: Rounds the input value to the nearest integer value


While rounding to the nearest integer is of obvious use, Ceil and Floor are only usable when working with values outside the 0-1-range. Such results have to be remapped to return to that range and avoid being clamped during export.



This operation is performed per pixel.

Sample Tree


Property Name Property Type Description

Select a rounding operation. Available operations are:


– Ceil: rounds the input to next highest integer value

– Floor: rounds the input to next lowest integer value

– Round: rounds the input to the nearest integer value


Input Name Allowed Data Types Description
Float, RGBA
Input that takes the texture for the rounding operation.


Output Name Data Type Description
= Input Data Type
Outputs the rounded input as specified by the chosen operation. This operation is performed for each channel of the input.
