Derive Node Reference

Level Node


The Level node is a quick way of adjusting brightness and contrast of an input texture using a remap function, remapping the input texture from one range of pixel values to another.


It is a simplification of the Remap node, the main differences being, that the ranges are always uniform floats and that the ‘old’ range is always assumed to be the 0-1-range. This means that both, the old and the new color range are the same for every pixel.

Sample Tree


Property Name Property Type Description
Range Slider

Remaps the range of the pixel values from the 0-1-range to a new range. Values outside the 0-1-range are possible, thus it is recommended to keep track of that and use a Clamp 0-1 node if neccessary, to avoid wrong results in the exported maps.


Input Name Allowed Data Types Description
Float, RGBA
Input that takes the texture to have it’s value range remapped.


Output Name Data Type Description
= Input Data Type
Outputs the input it’s pixel values remapped according to the Level property.
