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Derive Node Reference

Inlay Node


The inlay node allows the creation of selective patterning. Unlike simple tiling and offset, the inlay node offers more options on which parts of the texture a tiled input should be rendered or not. This makes it easily possible to create complex patterns using multiple inlay nodes and combining them in a final pattern.

Sample Tree


Property Name Property Type Description
Tiling X
Int Slider
Determines how often the input will fit into the output along the horizontal axis.
Tiling Y
Int Slider
Determines how often the input will fit into the output along the vertical axis.
Offset X
Int Slider
Determines how many increments of the tiling value are left empty before the input is being rendered along the horizontal axis.
Offset Y
Int Slider
Determines how many increments of the tiling value are left empty before the input is being rendered along the vertical axis.
Extent X
Int Slider
Determines the repetition of the input along the horizontal axis, starting at the given X-offset.
Extent Y
Int Slider
Determines the repetition of the input along the vertical axis, starting at the given Y-offset.


Input Name Allowed Data Types Description
Float, RGBA
Input that takes the texture to be inlaid.


Output Name Data Type Description
= Input Data Type
Outputs the pattern created from the input according to the given properties.
