Derive Node Reference

Gradient Node


The Gradient node generates a grayscale gradient texture. The output is a texture with it’s pixel values being lerped from 0 to 1 and according to the selected gradient type. The gradient values are the same for every color channel of a pixel.

Sample Tree


Property Name Property Type Description
Gradient Type

Choose the desired type of gradient. The following options are available:


  • – Linear Asymmetrical: A linear gradient with values increasing from left to right.
  • – Linear Symmetrical: A linear gradient with values increasing from the left and right side to the middle creating a horizontal symmetry.
  • – Linear Square: A linear gradient with values increasing from all sides to the center of the texture.
  • – Smooth Diamond: A linear gradient similar to the linear square, but with smooth edge transition
  • – Sin Asymmetrical: A sine wave based gradient with values increasing from left to right.
  • – Sin Symmetrical: A sine wave based gradient with values increasing from the left and right side to the middle creating a horizontal symmetry.
  • – Sin Square: A sine wave based gradient with values increasing from all sides to the center of the texture.
  • – Sin Smooth Square: A sine wave based gradient similar to the sine wave based square, but with smooth edge transition
  • – Logistic Asymmetrical: A gradient representing logistic growth with values increasing from left to right.
  • – Logistic Symmetrical: A gradient representing logistic growth with values increasing from the left and right side to the middle creating a horizontal symmetry.
  • – Logistic Square: A gradient representing logistic growth with values increasing from all sides to the center of the texture.
  • – Logistic Smooth Square: A gradient representing logistic growth similar to the logistic square, but with smooth edge transition
  • – Quarter Cylinder: A gradient representing a quarter of a cylinder in shape, with values increasing from left to right.
  • – Half Cylinder: A gradient forming a half pipe from left to right symmetrically.
  • Sphere To Square: A gradient that represents a hemisphere from a square base.
  • Sphere To Smooth Square: A gradient representing a hemisphere from a base that is a rounded square.
Float Slider

Change the size of the output gradient.

Float Slider

Change the rotation of the output gradient without creating repetition.




Output Name Data Type Description
Outputs the gradient texture.
